Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Sun Never Sets on the English Language Essay -- Language

English has developed over the most recent hundred years from being a part of the old Latin world to being broadly spoken around the new world. Regardless of living in America, we see global gatherings where pioneers of numerous nations all communicate in English to speak with one another. Is it conceivable that English has become the most widely used language and will proceed into the future to be the worldwide language? There are numerous sources that show that future can just hold English as its chose language. Later on we will have an assortment of â€Å"Englishes† that will overwhelm worldwide correspondence, and this will happen in light of the fact that the strength of English is accepted to be ‘inevitable’, handy to remote countries, lastly it advances to a multicultural point of view for a cosmopolitan culture. Wherever you check out the world you can locate the English language. In The Mother Tongue: English and How it arrived in such a state, Bill Bryson clarifies, â€Å"In Yugoslavia they communicate in five dialects. In not one of them does the word stop exist, yet every stop sign in the nation says just that† (Bryson 179). Around the globe we see instances of nations that don’t locally communicate in English yet utilize English as a promoting plan. Further Bryson specifies, â€Å"†¦On the base of the eraser is a further message: ‘We are environmentally disapproved. This bundle will fall to pieces in Mother Earth’. It is an item that was made in Japan exclusively for Japanese buyers, yet there isn't an expression of Japanese on it† (Bryson 180). We can see the ascent in world merchants delivering ‘English’ items as the world searching for a typical language; it’s seen as in vogue, and clearly something that the individuals need. With the historical backdrop of English beginning at generally a similar time as the sentiment dialects, it’s ... ... at Essex Conference. Essex Chronicle [Chelmsford] 15 Mar. 2012, News sec.: 34. Proquest. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. Liston, Enjoli. Make proper acquaintance with a New Language. The Independent [London] 18 Jan. 2012: 40. Proquest. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. Zhang, Xiaohong, and Margaret Zeegers. Reclassifying The Role Of English As A Foreign Language In The Curriculum In The Global Context. Changing English: Studies In Culture and Education 17.2 (2010): 177-187. Scholastic Search Premier. Web. 20 Mar. 2012.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite Essay Example For Students

The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite Essay After choosing what bit of music to expound on it was hard to choose, since before taking this class the main old style artist I knew was Beethoven. Be that as it may, I went over the planets. So I chose to give I attempt. It just took a play button, which shipped me into a universe of riddle. As the ensemble began with defaces I felt as if I was going in a space boat of those that went ahead the star wars adventure. It as the melody advanced it felt just as there was a fight in space. Leaning to this while in obscurity made it simpler for me to perceive what was truly occurring. We will compose a custom exposition on The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I can see projectiles fly by me consistently nearer, until this slug hit me and the boat pieces scatter into space as the melody did as well. There is a snapshot of quietness when am stir in to the universe of ruler of the rings. I see my self at the mythical people garden remaining in the strongholds overhang taking a gander at the roses. As the piece props up I see my dark mists covering the skyline, with murkiness and riddle upon. For reasons unknown there is a feeling of harmony despite the fact that at certain parts it feels as thought there is a war going to begin. This caused me to feel like this was countering, similar to they say after the tempest the sun will come out. Next was mercury a hazardous. t first it felt as thought I was fleeing from a person or thing. Be that as it may, it doesn’t feel like I’m fleeing from something hazardous. As the piece propped up I began to perceive any reason why I was running, I was running like Bambi in the Disney film. I can see flying creatures and butterflies, flying on my head around and around. I began to run with the flying creatures quicker and quicker creation my war over a major green field. I don’t know why this picture goes to my heard however as continue listening a can see a great deal of creatures running as well. They are hopping over the green field. Jupiter begins and with it I begin to recollect my grandmother back home. I can see her rolling in from a long outing. I can see her coming nearer to me carrying only a grin to my face. As viola and baritones show up, I can envision our rejoin. This piece just brings picture of cheerful consummation, similar to those of Disney films. I can see individuals tossing confetti to the sky, celebrating and separating. This joy is out of nowhere, cleaned away, on the grounds that with the beginning of Saturn. I hear something moving toward me gradually and gradually. It's anything but an unnerving thing coming yet it is a feeling of acknowledgment. I see that the individual coming is me however as an elderly person. I look slight and delicate. I see my self-strolling gradually and for each progression I make my strides become increasingly slow. As the piece advances, I begin to hear chimes. This piece simply bring misery into my head everything I can think currently is that for consistently that passes by I am close to the end. Yet, the finish of what? I don’t comprehend. As Saturn arrives at the end I see the former me simply remaining there without moving. It appears as thought the end has come, similar to the torment and everything occurring in life has at last stop. Uranus stars and I can envision a mammoth man strolling along a monster walkway. In the walkway I can see a great deal of warriors walking. There is an inclination of riddle with the piccolo and clarinets. Neptune was the last piece. This was my preferred one since it had something that the remainder of different planets didn't and that is a ladies theme. This gives a sentiment of going into paradise an arriving at the heavenly one. .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .postImageUrl , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:visited , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:active { border:0!important; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:active , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf1 f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Music downloading, illicit or not ? EssayI can see others coming to the sky just as the ladies tune gets together with the ringers. The sentiment of arriving at the finish of the ensemble, is extraordinary the ladies theme begins to become grow dim gradually turning out to be fainter until there is a slight contrast among quietness and sound. I was left trilled subsequent to tuning in to this orchestra. I never felt along these lines it was a stunning encounter feeling as thought I was flying through the universe of the universe. Anyway I wonder if there is Pluto. What's more, if there is I’m getting it would p resumably give pictures of obscure and puzzle.

Friday, August 21, 2020

College Application Essay Writing Service

College Application Essay Writing ServiceCollege application essays help to shape your career path. Essays are similar to the cover letters you send in your application for jobs. You send a short essay describing why you want to attend college, the college you want to attend, and what you will gain from attending the college.Although it may seem like you need to write a lot of essays in order to be successful, it is not necessary. With the right essay writing service, you can get the help you need to write the essays that are the most meaningful to you. Some writers may charge more than others, but these writers often have experience working with students who are under a certain financial hardship. These services also know how to use professional grammar and spelling standards to make sure your essay is well written and organized.While there are many places where you can get help writing college application essays, there are also many different programs designed to help you find the right essay writing service. You can go to college websites, search through essay samples, or even ask a friend for help. The one thing you need to do before you choose a service is to write down a list of your writing needs.How many students are going to apply to this college? Do you know how much they will be asked to pay for tuition? If the school is new, you may be asked to pay the maximum. Do you have any family members or friends who attend the college who can offer insight on how to be successful there?Since so many students want to be admitted to a college, you will want to write a lot of essays. This can be a daunting task for some students and can take time away from getting to know one another on campus. If this is the case, you can make the process easier by using a college application essay writing service.When a student is preparing for an essay, the last thing he or she wants to do is spend a lot of time trying to write. If this is the case, you will want to use a ser vice that specializes in writing essays. They will have experience with writing college applications and will be able to customize the essays to meet your specific needs. Some services will also have some experience helping students prepare for standardized tests and are able to adapt your essays to a variety of settings.Students can go to college application essays writing services with just a little research. Be sure to read reviews about these services and ask a number of questions. The best services will work with you in creating a plan of action and also ensure that your essay is ready when you need it. Whether you are applying to a local college or a prestigious university, having a plan in place is important.A college application essay writing service is the perfect solution for those who do not know where to turn for help with their essays. As you can see, there are many ways to get help with your essays, so you will need to be sure to ask a number of questions before choosi ng a service. With the right essay writing service, your essays will be as good as any that you have seen before!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Is Education Important - 2263 Words

What is Education When asking the question what is education? there can be many diverse and correct answers, this is down to the question being philosophical. To be able to find out what education is, understanding philosophy is can be vital. There are many different definitions of what philosophy is, according to oxford dictionary, they define philosophy as it s the use of reason in understanding such things as the nature of reality and existence, the use and limits of knowledge and the principles that govern and influence moral judgement (Dictionary, 2016). The word philosophy is a geek word with the meaning of love of wisdom , philosophers research meaning of concepts to clarify human nature and knowledge (Bates.J et al, 2009). Philosophers that look into education ask many questions to get the definition, aims and purposes of what education is (Bates et al, 2009). Besides knowing the definitions of education, philosophers would not define one correct answer to what education is, philosophers ask questions such as what is? and believe when asking these questions the questioner begins to analyse themselves before being answered (Bailey et al, 2010). However philosophers argue that questions cannot be answered until the questioner has an understanding of philosophy . Basic ideas and concepts such as knowledge, understanding, and truth are all what philosophers look into, by this they explore how we think and assumptions behind out thinking (Bailey.R,Show MoreRelatedWhat Is Education and Why It Is Important?1492 Words   |  6 PagesFor a student like me its ,big ,,,,,,,,,,question WHAT IS EDUCATION AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT/ Education is is future-oriented - it is about development and growth even when we are studying the past. Thus, as educators, the aspect of thinking we tend to focus upon is learning. As we have stressed, much thinking is commonplace - it goes on all the time, often without our being aware of it. Education takes us into the conscious world. It involves activities that are intended to stimulateRead MoreEducation, What s More Important Than An Education?884 Words   |  4 PagesEducation, what’s more important than an education? Everyone learns on a daily basis, whether it be a simple everyday task or in a classroom. From the day we are born we learn from those around us, it’s how we become well- rounded functioning adults. Our future and the future of our economy depends on our children’s education. Politicians have had a hand in how testing, funding, and generally how our school’s function. Sometimes though in trying to do the right thing; more damage is done. WhatRead More What is Education? Education has been an important aspect in people’s lives.979 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is Education? Education has been an important aspect in people’s lives. 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That message is one that education is importan t, in Christianity and allRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me839 Words   |  4 PagesWhy College Education is Important to Me Patty Murray said â€Å"A good education means learning to read, write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up.† Getting a college education will help open so many doors and give me opportunities to better myself, and provide me with a more successful life that I can be proud of. In today’s society it is hard to get a good job or have a stable career without first getting a college degree. A collegeRead MorePhysical Education For A School Setting1286 Words   |  6 PagesPhysical education being mandatory in a school setting is a very controversial issue in our world today. Many general education teachers think it is a waste of time, students are not learning, and/or more attention should be focused strictly on classroom studies and schoolwork. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Behaviorism, Operant And Classical Conditioning - 1309 Words

This quote ties in to our topic of discussion, psychologist or any researcher at that matter will always be questioning. This is how we have come to learn as much as we have today. The psychologist were always coming up with new ideas and concepts and challenging them until they figured out how behavior works. Behaviorism is a school of thought that was joined from no other than John B. Watson. Behaviorism is the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states. Behaviorism was a movement in psychology and philosophy that emphasized the outward behavioral aspects of thought and dismissed the inward experiential, and sometimes the inner procedural, aspects as well; a movement harking back to the methodological proposals of John B. Watson, who coined the name. There are a couple of main components within behaviori sm, operant and classical conditioning. Operant conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response. B.F Skinner the more radical behaviorist coined the operant conditioning theory. He believed that through series of reinforcement a behavior will increase or a series of punishment a behavior will decrease. There are two types of reinforcement and two types of punishment.Show MoreRelatedBehaviorism And Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning Essay1504 Words   |  7 PagesBehaviorism is one of many theories in the field of psychology. It can be applied in different learning scenarios for different research purposes. Biographical information will be provided about the founders of the theory who are John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. However, the information will focus more on their early education and known achievements. Furthermore, you will find different th eories regarding behaviorism such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In order to understandRead MoreBehaviorism Theory Of Classical Conditioning1700 Words   |  7 Pages Behaviorism is a theory that behavior can be altered through conditioning. Behaviorism does not focus on thoughts or feelings of the subject, just their behavior. Ivan Pavlov was a major part of this movement of behaviorism with his theory of classical conditioning. The most important part of classical conditioning is that it is done through repetition. In his experiment he began with noticing that an unconditioned stimulus like dog food causes an unconditioned response like salivation. He thenRead MoreWatson, Skinner and Tolman Essay1627 Words   |  7 Pagesfounder of behaviorism and B.F. Skinner is the founder of radical behaviorism, but Edward Tolman marches to a different drum and is known for developing cognitive theory. Herein we will compare and contrast each theory and formulate how eac h theory is imperative in 2012. John B. Watson Born January 9, 1878 John B. Watson is credited as the founder of behaviorism. Behaviorism is a theory that equates behavior to conditioning. Typical examples of behavior conditioning are classical conditioningRead MoreBehaviorism : A Psychological Perspective1018 Words   |  5 PagesPsychology 101 11/2/15 Behaviorism Behaviorism is a psychological perspective that focuses on an individual’s behavior. The main theorist behind this perspective was John Broadus Watson, who established the psychological school of behaviorism. Through his behaviorist views, he spectated the behavior of humans and animals when put into different situations. Watson published and article titled â€Å"Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it† where he explained his position on behaviorism. Watson stated that PsychologyRead MoreBehaviorism And The Operant Conditioning Theory Essay1415 Words   |  6 Pagesonly responded to external stimuli. Behaviorism, as explored by the before mentioned, is a biological basis of learning and focuses exclusively on observable behaviors. This includes Thorndike’s theory of connectionism, Pavlov’s classical conditioning and the well-known conditioning theory from Skinner—the operant conditioning model. However, many researchers did not like the one-size fit s all explanation of behaviorism. Cognitivism grew in response to behaviorism in an effort to better understandRead MoreClassical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning Essay1088 Words   |  5 PagesDefine Classical Conditioning and Behaviorism. b) Identify the two major characteristics that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning is a type of learning process of an individual when they come in contact with certain stimuli. According to Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, he developed several experiments on learning and he discovered that classical condition is the basic form of learning for an individual. However, according to Pavlov, behaviorism is theRead More The Science of Psychology Essay1078 Words   |  5 Pagesto psychology, the most important being structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt, behaviorism, etc. The approach that deals with learning is behaviorism. Behaviorism was a movement in psychology and philosophy that emphasized the outward behavioral aspects of thought and dismissed the inward experiential aspects. It was proposed in 1913 by John B. Watson, who is known as the founder of behaviorism. Behaviorists are mainly concerned with the manner in which organisms learn orRead MoreBehaviorism s Theory Of Psychology983 Words   |  4 PagesClassification Behaviorism claims that â€Å"consciousness† is neither defined nor unable concept; that it is merely another word for the â€Å"soul† of more ancient time (Watson, 1970). However, behaviorism holds the subject matter of human psychology it focus on the behavior or activities of the human being. Etymology The word behaviorism originates from the Middle French word behavior, meaning the observable activity in human and animal. This term was coined in 1913 by the United States psychologistRead MoreUpchurch Shawna EDUC 205 Learning Theory Paper1384 Words   |  6 PagesAugust 14, 2014 Behaviorism Behaviorism is one of the most used theories in education. Due to it can fit in both a classroom setting and at home. Educators had sought out the reason why for many years. But due to each child learns a different way so should the educator. Behaviorism was study by many great Psychologists over the years. Just to name some that had done work and publish books on the subject are, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Clark Hull, and B.F. Skinner. Behaviorism is defined as,† aRead MorePsychological Conditioning and Theories of Behavior1013 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction- In the field of psychology, behaviorism was one of the theoretical ideas that changed quite drastically during the 20th century. Behaviorism tried to diminish the emphasis on the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, instead putting forward a new way to look at human behavior that is empirical (observed, quantified, and measured). Ivan Pavlov, for instance, was researching the digestive systems of dogs and led him to the discovery of classical condition, a way to modify behaviors

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Research Ethics

Question: Discuss about theHuman Research Ethics. Answer: The Historical Aspects and Infuence of Three Documents: The Nuremberg Code: According to Nuremberg Code, the voluntary permission of the human subjects is essential to progress the particular process in an effective manner. It indicates that the person participating in the process should have the legal capacity for giving the permission. As per the particular code, the human subjects must have the adequate knowledge on the nature, duration and the purpose of the experiments (Dhai, 2014). Moreover, the effect of the research should not affect the health of the human subject. According to the code, the experiment should be beneficial for the society and the research should not be random in nature. During the mid-century, the participants had to face challenges for undergoing the treatment process, as they might face physical trouble due to the adverse clinical effects. On the contrary, according to the Nuremberg code, the experiment must be conducted through following a particular set of processes so that it could not make any unnecessary physical and mental s uffering and injury (Monroe et al., 2013). This particular guideline has facilitated in enhancing the clinical trial process in the present days, and it has contributed to shaping up the process for engaging the research on the human subjects. Moreover, the experiment conducted in present days is executed under the supervision of scientifically qualified persons. Similarly, clinical trial process has also been described in the Nuremberg code. The Declaration of Helsinki: The declaration of Helsinki suggests the set of ethical principles on the human experimentation developed by the World Medical Association (World Medical Association., 2013). It has been developed for the medical community, and it is regarded as one of the prime document on the human research ethics. According to the particular law, the duty of the physicians is to promote and safeguard the health of the patients. Moreover, the physicians are responsible for protecting those who are involved in the medical research process. Physicians need to consider the ethical, legal and regulatory rules and regulations for the investigation involving the human subjects. The prime duty of the physicians participating in the medical research is to safeguard the life, health, dignity, privacy, integrity, confidentiality of personal information of the investigating subjects (Millum, Wendler Emanuel, 2013). In the present days, these factors are considered into the other field of human research ethic s apart from the medical sector. For instance, without upholding the dignity into the process, the researcher would not be able to obtain enhanced outcome out of it. On the other hand, the medical research involving the human subjects needs to be followed by the scientific principles and the researcher mush have painstaking knowledge of the relevant sources of information and other scientific literature. Without upholding the modern and scientific process, the researcher investigating on the human subjects would not be able to obtain a beneficial outcome. According to the Declaration of Helsinki, human subjects must have the proper scientific training and qualifications so that the research can be executed in an efficient manner (Adams Miles, 2013). Likewise, in the modern day, the researcher involves the trained human subjects into the research process for obtaining high value in the research. The Belmont Report: The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research created the Belmont Report. The particular report is first issued on 30th September 1978, and it was published in the Federal Register on 18th April 1979 (Brakewood Poldrack, 2013). The particular legislation indicates the unifying ethical principles, which develops the basis for the National commissions topic-specific reports. According to the Belmont Report, there are three fundamental ethical principles to utilize the human subjects for investigation. Three fundamentals are respect for the person, beneficence and justice (Sieber Tolich, 2012). The researcher needs to treat the human subjects with proper courtesy, and the human subject needs to be respected in an efficient manner. Besides this, the human subjects should not face any harm during the process. Lastly, the human subjects need to be provided the non-exploitative situation. Moreover, the participants should obtain the fa ir distribution of the costs and benefits so that they could be encouraged for the future research. By analysing the Nuremberg code, it can be assessed that the volunteer permission of any human subjects is needed for involving him into clinical trial process. Likewise, in the human resource management system, the manager needs to accumulate the feedback and suggestions before implementing a process in to the business. On the other hand, the experiment needs to be benefited t the employees. On the other hand, the declaration of Helsinki indicates the ethical approaches for the medical community. According to the declaration of Helsinki, the physicians should be responsible for the protection of health of the patient. Moreover, the physicians need to provide a safeguard to the patients. Similarly, the human resource management team needs to safeguard the employees in the difficult situation. With the involvement of the scientific training and development session, the manager could easily enhance the workability skills of the employees. According to Brakewood Poldrack (2013), the Be lmont report draws the ethical principal for utilising the human subject to investigate. It focuses on three fundamentals including respect for the person, beneficence and justice. Likewise, these fundamentals are also applicable for the human resource team, as these rules could facilitate them in providing respects to the employees. Consequently, these rules can improve the productivity in an effective manner. Role of Human Research Ethics Committees: The human research ethics committee plays an integral role and responsibility in the Australian system for identifying the misunderstanding of the research concerning the humans. The human research ethics committee accurately reviews the research proposals, which involves the human subjects for ensuring the fact that the participants are ethically acceptable and in accordance with the pertinent standard and guideline (Bell, 2014). More than 200 HRECs have been regulating the particular process in Australia. However, other countries also follow this kind of similar system. The national statement focuses on the participants rather analysing on the subjects. According to the national statement, the values need to be set out for the research process. For instances, the investigator needs to have the respect for the human subjects. Moreover, there should be mutual responsibility, trust and ethical equality in the research process. The national statement includes a series of the guideline for any researcher conducting the investigation with human subjects (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2016). Moreover, the particular guideline consists of regulations for the potential research participants. Finally, it can be assessed that the prime role of the human research ethics committee is to identify the rule highlighting the fact that human being needs to be provided adequate respect for upholding the ethical values in an efficient manner. The entire design of the research must be followed by the particular set of guidelines so that the research outcomes facilitate in conducting the future project (National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, 2007). The HREC plays an integral role in the governance of research. Moreover, it provides the approval to the new organization conducting the future project. The human research ethics committee accurately reviews the research proposals, which involves the human subjects for ensuring the fact that the participants are ethically acceptable and in accordance with the pertinent standard and guideline. Main Ethical Issues Surrounding RCTs: Randomized controlled trial (RCTs) indicates a particular type of scientific experiment aiming to reduce bias while testing a new treatment or pharmacological agent. The participants of the trial are allocated to the group that receives the treatment under the investigations and a control group who does not have the treatment. Randomization facilitates the analysis to reduce the biases from the experiments. In the clinical trial process, patients are assigned to the groups receiving different treatments. Hence, the method of assigning the patients into group is called randomization. Over the past few decades, the randomized controlled trials have been increasing, as it enhances the outcome of the clinical trial Buchanan (Wordsworth Schuh, 2013). Moreover, the randomized case trial is more powerful than case reports and observational studies. During the same timeline, the randomized controlled trial was an integral part of the regulatory process, as it facilitates the new therapeutic in gaining access to the drug market. Nowadays, the clinical trials have become strict, as new rules and ethical approaches have been implemented to it for obtaining enhanced outcomes in an efficient manner. On the other hand, these days, the organization conducting the clinical trial, needs to abide by a set of ethics so that the human subjects do not face any physical or mental challenges during the execution process (Chaudhry et al., 2013). Without upholding the ethical requirements, the clinical enterprises are no able to execute the particular process in an effective manner. Besides this, the organizations need to uphold the epistemic standards while conducting the clinical trial. It is a legacy to the old treatment for involving the human subjects into the clinical trial. During the World War II, human experimentation was conducted. However, this legacy continues even after World War II. Consequently, this particular process built up negative impression when some identical ca ses of unethical handling of human subjects. During that timeline, prisoners, the mentally challenged, the poor or the ethnic minorities had been involved in the clinical trial process. These groups of people were hired for conducting the ill-famed Tuskegee syphilis study (Sieber Tolich, 2012). The execution of such practices in democratic and civilized countries indicated that the war slaughter were not the only threats for the human subjects. Hence, the conception of such process had to be reformed entirely so that it could not hurt any human subjects (Lewis, Lipworth Kerridge, 2014). Until the 1970s, the medical investigators had sole authority adjudicating the legitimacy of a study protocol. The protection of the participating patients had to be given by the physician. According to Hippocratic Oath, the doctors should provide the safeguard to the patients while conducting research on human subjects. However, the particular research ethics is completely different from the medic al ethics. On the contrary, these ethics emerged when the episodes of the research delinquency uncovered such assurance in all its meagreness. There are some ethical issues surrounding RCTs. The general problem of the clinical trials can be identified through highlighting the fact that the trial participants often are avoided from the benefits of this particular process. In most of the cases, human subject gaining from the trial results and the trial participants bearing the risk and burden are different. On the other hand, participating in the new clinical trial indicates a high-risk factor compared to having an ordinary clinical check-up. There would be the unexpected effects of the new treatments on the participants. However, these risks are not entirely covered by the legislations. Moreover, the potentially beneficial aspects of the clinical process do not properly counterbalance. The particular trial process not only ended by treating the participants but also produce in-depth medical knowledge. During the mid-century, most of the physicians did not provide adequate information to the participants. Consequently, these participants were placed into the process through the disproportional step. On the contrary, nowadays, the participants are guided by all information about the entire process and the probable outcome of the research. Previously, the physicians deceive the participants by promising a cure for their individual disease that they were dealing with it. Hence, the modern system indicates the fact that the physician must allow the patients to accept the entire process of conducting the particular process. The most important ethical consideration of modern biomedical, clinical trial is that the informed permission is now an integral condition for both research and therapy. According to the modern conception, the prime consent of therapy or research protocol includes three basic features for validating the process in an effective manner. These features are such as the process must be voluntarily expressed, it should be the expression of the proficient subject, and the human subject must have adequate information about the particular process (Turner et al., 2012). However, the physicians often face challenges to identify what level of adequate information is needed to be valid for the particular clinical trial process. Without providing the adequate information on the risks and benefits of the treatment to the patients, physicians may not obtain the approval for the continuation of the process. The participants may undergo the process of blinding and randomization for understanding that the research is voluntary (Hebden, Chey Allmanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Farinelli, 2012). It indicates the unjustified to the participants, as they are unable to obtain the benefits out of the process. The patients are required to have the in-depth understanding of the diagnostic or the therapeutic process. Moreover, they should have the adequate knowledge on the risks and benefits of the particular process. In the modern medical research process, the prime issues indicate the fact that the aim of the research does not directly benefit the research participants. However, the patients may receive the therapeutic benefits due to the engagement into the clinical trial process. Sometimes the personal expectations of the patients and investigators may play an integral role in the progression of the process. Consequently, the scientific test of new intervention often requires the patients to receive the pla cebo. Although the placebo lacks the active role of the experimental treatment, it is identical with it. The prime issue for using the placebo is that the physicians often face challenges to make them believe that the placebo plays an integral role in the treatment process. Randomization and blinding are both epistemic devices needed in the clinical trial process for ruling out the most palpable perturbations of the trial outcomes due to the interference from the researcher of the participants (Jenkins et al., 2013). Hence, it can be assessed that the particular process includes distinctive issues highlighted in the above discussion. By analysing the above discussion, it can be assessed that the clinical trials have become increasingly complex for evaluating the clinical research progress. The ethical consideration needs to be abreast of new changes for providing adequate guidance for the medical research in the future. There are several advantages of RCTs. The RCTs facilitate in el iminating the bias to assign the treatment properly. Moreover, it contributes in masking of the identity of treatments from the investigators, participants and assessors. References: Adams, D. P., Miles, T. P. (2013). The application of Belmont Report principles to policy development.Journal of gerontological nursing,39(12), 16-21. Bell, J. (2014).Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Brakewood, B., Poldrack, R. A. (2013). The ethics of secondary data analysis: considering the application of Belmont principles to the sharing of neuroimaging data.Neuroimage,82, 671-676. Buchanan, J., Wordsworth, S., Schuh, A. (2013). Issues surrounding the health economic evaluation of genomic technologies.Pharmacogenomics,14(15), 1833-1847. Chaudhry, S. H., Brehaut, J. C., Grimshaw, J. M., Weijer, C., Boruch, R., Donner, A., ... Zwarenstein, M. (2013). Challenges in the research ethics review of cluster randomized trials: International survey of investigators.Clinical Trials,10(2), 257-268. Dhai, A. (2014). The research ethics evolution: From Nuremberg to Helsinki.SAMJ: South African Medical Journal,104(3), 178-180. Hebden, L., Chey, T., Allmanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Farinelli, M. (2012). Lifestyle intervention for preventing weight gain in young adults: a systematic review and metaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ analysis of RCTs.Obesity Reviews,13(8), 692-710. Jenkins, V., Farewell, V., Farewell, D., Darmanin, J., Wagstaff, J., Langridge, C., Fallowfield, L. (2013). Drivers and barriers to patient participation in RCTs.British journal of cancer,108(7), 1402-1407. Lewis, J., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. (2014). Ethics, evidence and economics in the pursuit of personalized medicine.Journal of personalized medicine,4(2), 137-146. Millum, J., Wendler, D., Emanuel, E. J. (2013). The 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Helsinki: progress but many remaining challenges.Jama,310(20), 2143-2144. Monroe, T. B., Herr, K. A., Mion, L. C., Cowan, R. L. (2013). Ethical and legal issues in pain research in cognitively impaired older adults.International journal of nursing studies,50(9), 1283-1287. National Health and Medical Research Council. (2016) Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) | Retrieved 20 September 2016, from National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) - Updated May 2015 | National Health and Medical Research Council. (2015) Retrieved 20 September 2016, from Sieber, J. E., Tolich, M. B. (2012).Planning ethically responsible research(Vol. 31). Sage Publications. Turner, L., Shamseer, L., Altman, D. G., Weeks, L., Peters, J., Kober, T., ... Moher, D. (2012). Consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) and the completeness of reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published in medical journals.The Cochrane Library. World Medical Association. (2013). World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.Jama,310(20), 2191.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mccarthyism and the One Flew over the Cuckooâ„¢s Nest free essay sample

At that time, the news Of Soviet atomic bomb and the trial and conviction of Alger Hiss were fresh in the publics mind (McCarthy P. 72), so his speech about anti-communist was very effective. In his speech, McCarthy claimed not only that he had a list of the names of 205 State Department Communists, but also that the administration in the State Department knew who they were and approved what they did. He used this imaginary list to criticize his opponents that they were complicit in treason or maybe traitors themselves. This list functions in a very similar way as the log book.Nurse Ratchet uses the log book as a tool to collect the hearsay from the patients. Then, she sets up meeting, which she clams is a group therapy (Cuckoos Nest P. 134), with the patients to discuss about the hearsay and humiliate individual patient who has bad hearsay. Thus, the log book functions in a way that gives her control over the patients. We will write a custom essay sample on Mccarthyism and the One Flew over the Cuckooâ„ ¢s Nest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The character that is initially able to fight against Nurse Ratchet is McCarthy. His arrival and uprising gradually influences the other patients to challenge Nurse Ratchets authority. She tries to retain her authority by using a number of ways.First, she confiscates the patients cigarette (used as money in the ward) and the tub-room privilege. But then her tactic fails because McCarthy and the rest of the patients are unsatisfied and seize to get back their cigarettes as well as the privilege of the tub-room. Because of the failure of this tactic, Nurse Ratchet decides to utilize electro shock therapy as her next manipulating weapon. In the novel Nurse Ratchet mentions, it might be beneficial that he chive some shock therapy-?unless he realizes his mistakes (Cuckoos Nest P. 53), indicating that electro shock therapy is used as a punishment Similarly, lobotomy is also a punishment tool, but it functions more intensely, as this surgery turns the patient into vegetable. The relationship between Nurse Ratchet and McCarthy directly relates to the relationship between Joseph McCarthy and Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was a government official of the U. S. State Department and official in united Nations, and was accused of having been a spy for the Soviet Union while working in the U. S. State Department. Although Alger Hiss claimed that he was innocent, it demonstrated that Communist party engaging in high position in the U. S. Government was possible. People thought that if government official like Alger was suspicious, then anyone could be a communist. Hiss was also accused of perjury under oath earlier. During the discovery process, Chambers provided more evidence indicating that he and Hiss were members of the communist party. Finally, Hiss was judged guilty of perjury, and he was put into jail for three and a half years (Alger Hiss). But he claimed that he was innocent until his death.Even though there was no definite evidence to prove that Hiss was a Soviet spy, people were afraid of another outbreak of Soviet spy, and thus eventually led to the anti- Communist-?McCarthy. Likewise, Nurse Ratchet indicates McCarthy as an insane person, but in fact he is one of the most normal person in the mental ward. Nurse Ratchets use Of electro shock therapy and lobotomy to McCarthy parallels with McCarthy use of accusation and imprison to Hiss. McCarthy believes that he is not insane parallel to Alger Hisss claim of innocence in trial.As Nurse Ratchet serves as coercion in the novel, Chief rivers as a victim who is coerced under Nurse Ratchets authority. He suffers from paranoia and harassment from the black workers and Nurse Ratchet. The fact that he is frequently put into a room full of hallucinated fog demonstrates his weakness and intention of escaping reality, as he says, They start the fog machine again and its snowing down cold and white all over me like skim milk, so thick I might even be able to hide in it if they didnt have a hold on me. From the quote, one understands that Chief is weak in the inside because he always wants to hide.The fog room in many ways can homelike the relocation of Native American peoples during the 1 asss, as Chief is put into this space without his consent. In fact, Chiefs speechlessness in many ways represents the loss of the Native American voice in American history, and specifically in the process of relocation in the 1950. Both Nurse Ratchet and Chief serve as an important role historically; Nurse Ratchet becomes the symbol of the oppressive government and McCarthy, and Chief represents the Native American in the 1 9505.During the Cold War, many non-white citizens were mor e easily abused and oppressed by government policies. An example would be the Native American. Policy- makers in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, in an attempt to liberate Native Americans from the constraints of federal trust restrictions, passed an act called the Termination Policy of the sass. This was a relocation program that relocated Native American, ranging from eighteen to forty-five years old, to urban areas with federal assistance. Essentially, many Native Americans were forced from their land and their homes into cities without their consent.In addition, the policy would nullify the special minority status that Native American held because of their 389 treaties and agreements made with the United States between 1778 and 1871 (Termination and Relocation). Furthermore, the three black orderlies treat Chief very badly. Even though Chief appears to be a strong man, they bully him as much as they can. For example, they stick a mop in my hand and motion to the spot they aim for me to clean today/ (Cuckoos Nest P. 11). Also, they make fun of him by calling him Chief Broom (Cuckoos Nest P. 1 1).Moreover, they eat the breakfast that is supposed to be for Chief and lock him in seclusion. It is interesting to note about the relationship between Chief and the black workers. This relationship s interesting in the context of history because it represents in many ways the relationships between Native Americans and African Americans. Despite both groups being heavily oppressed by the government, Native American voices and histories had been silenced much more than African Americans. However, African Americans still faced serious oppression and silencing, but it was not the same as Native Americans.Nurse Ratchets relationship with the black workers and their relationship with Chief all parallel these relationships in history. Nurse Ratchet has control over the workers and Chief, but Chief as character does not speak at all, and the workers to some degree have control over what he does. The fact that they call Chief Chief Broom, force him to wipe the floor, and steal his breakfast demonstrates that they have more power than Chief. Similarly, in history, slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1 863 (Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation).So in 1 sass, the African American had more freedom than they had before. But comparing the treatment to African American and to Native American, Native American was treated worse. This is demonstrated in the novel where Chief is bullied by the black orderlies. Another important aspect of Chiefs character in relationship to the government in the sasss is his childhood. His fathers name is Chief Tee Ah Immolation, meaning The Pine That Stands Tallest on the Mountain (The mixed heritage of the Chief).His mother, Mary Louise Broaden, is a white woman who plays a dominant role in the marriage. We can see that because Chiefs last name follows his mother instead of his father. Chief tells the story about his childhood, which he emphasizes that it is one of the elements that weaken him. He says that when the government officials come to speak to his ether about buying the tribes land, he is the only person at home. They ignore him when he tries to talk to them. Later on, his mother also helps some members in the tribe to force Chiefs father to sell the land.His fathers powerlessness implicitly effect Chief in his childhood, causing Chief to become even weaker in the mental ward. The fact that the white government officials ignore him demonstrates that the whites systemically had more power than other races. In addition, Chiefs mother plays a dominant role in her marriage also explains that in reality, white Americans wield more power Han the Native American. Essentially, most government officials in the sass were white, thus had the most power in the U. S. They were able to relocate the Native Americans to their cities with just the termination policy. Also, they forced the Native Americans to sell their tribe lands for government usage. This illustrates that they dominated Native American freedom. Chief represents not only the public, who are controlled by the Government and McCarthy, but also the Native American people. From the historical background, one can see that the government forced the Native American onto a life that was not their own without taking into consideration their thoughts and feelings.Relocation of the Native Americans has consistently been happening throughout American history, but Once Hew Over the Cuckoos Nest specifically deals with Native Americans in the cuss. This can be seen in Chiefs childhood and the time when he is in the mental institution. Overall, Keys novel One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest serves as a strong commentary on the governments control over the people during the 1 sass. As we can see through the character of Nurse Ratchet, Keyes directly talks bout the domination Of government in the 1 sass.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

police brutality 101 essays

police brutality 101 essays In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse, has come into view of a wide, public and critical eye. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. This paper will discuss the types of police abuse prevalent today, including the use of firearms and receipt of private information. I will also discuss what and how citizens rights are taken advantage of by police. For these problems, solutions will be discussed, focusing on political reform, education, and citizen review boards. These measures are necessary to protect ourselves from police taking advantage of their positions as law enforcement officers with greater permissive rights than private citizens. Because of this significant differential, all citizens must take affirmative action from physical brutality, rights violations, and information abuse. Problems arise, however, when one side is to ld what to do by another, as there is bound to be conflicting viewpoints. In regard to police abuse, there will be many officers who feel that their job of fighting escalating street crime, gangs, narcotics violations, and other violent crimes is difficult already, and that worrying about excessive policy for abusive behavior will only further decrease their ability to fight crime effectively, efficiently, and safely. Citizens, however, have been caught up in this gung-ho attitude, and police are more and more often crossing the line of investigation and interrogation with abusive behavior. This abuse must be monitored so that police do not forget who they are serving-not themselves, but the public. This means that even the criminals, who are a part of the public, have certain rights, particularly, civil rights. All citizens must be aware of these rights to protect themselves against over-aggressive officers who take advantage of their position as bad...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Selenium and vitamin E deficiency as risk factors for animals' Research Proposal

Selenium and vitamin E deficiency as risk factors for animals' infertility, epidemiological evaluation - Research Proposal Example Saudi Arabia is among the largest producers of beef meet in the world because of the extensive livestock projects in the country. However, effective production in the country is limited by the prevalence of infertility cases among the livestock. In addition, most farmers in Saudi Arabia rely on the traditional approaches of livestock, which hinders effective disease prevention and cure in the livestock. Livestock farming in Saudi Arabia entails cattle, sheep, camel and goat. The farmers supply their products to various industries in the country for processing and export. Most of the animal products in the country have poor quality because of the poor livestock production and upkeep techniques used by the farmers. Infertility among livestock in Saudi Arabia limits the growth of the farming sector in the country. In addition, the Saudi Arabian government is implementing various initiatives to control the rate of infertility in the country (Al-Khamees, 2010). Deficiency of particular minerals in the diet of the livestock leads to infertility conditions. Selenium and Vitamin E are essential elements that are essential in controlling infertility in livestock in various countries across the world. The minerals and vitamins are incorporated in different animal feeds in order to promote hormonal balance and strength of the uterus (Andrews, 2004). Deficiency of Vit E and se in the livestock causes Brucellosis in the livestock, which leads to infertility. In this case, the animals fail to retain the pregnancy for the normal period. Moreover, the occurrence of stillbirths among the animals increases rapidly because of the effects of the disease on the animals reproductive system. Cases of infertility due to Brucellosis effects in Saudi Arabia are on the rise because of the poor agricultural techniques used in the country. The initiatives to introduce modern techniques of farming in

Friday, February 7, 2020

Social Media Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Media Marketing Plan - Assignment Example III. Social Branding / Identity Recognition / Online Presence A. Social media platforms. 1. Company website According to Li and Bernoff (2011), using social media starts with having a well designed modern website. As of now, Lips-to-Go does not have a business website. This is a big setback for Lips-to-Go’s online strategy and the business should consider having a well designed website. Lips-to-Go will design a website and use it to advance its business. While the social media is a good platform for Lips-to-Go to have an online presence, most social media don’t give the users as much control as the business would require with regard to sharing information about the firm (Kabani, 2013). In this regard, a well designed website should be developed which will help the firm have a well branded online presence. The website will be the heart of the online branding for Lips-to-Go while the social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will be anchored to the webs ite and act as a complement for the website. The website will also be used for other promotional activities such as online ordering etc. 2. Facebook. a) Lips-to-Go has a Facebook page which was established a while ago. The Facebook account is used to post various messages regarding Lips-to-Go, posting photographs of the various kinds of dishes which Lips-to-Go serves, etc. b) Although Lips-to-Go has been having this account for a long time, there is an indication of lack of consistent activity, maintenance and management of the account. Lips-to-Go seems to only update its Facebook status only once in a while and fails to engage its subscribers with daily updates. Lips-to-Go should come up with a strategy which will make it... This essay describes the social media merketing plan for the Lips-to-Go restaurant. The researcher concluds that Lips-To-Go will need to develop a new and well planned online presence plan. Social media is becoming such a serious issue with regard to businesses managing their image and their interactions with the public that most businesses are taking it a notch higher by hiring a whole team of professionals to manage their social media platforms. Lips-to-Go should not be left behind in this because if fails, its competitors will beat it on this end, and this could have dire consequences on the future of the business. In line with this, it is important for Lips-to-Go to hire at least one professional and experienced online relations employee who will be dedicated in helping to ensure that that the business is able to manage its online presence and image. This will include making sure that Lips-to-Go has a sleek and technically sound website which is well maintained. The online relati ons human resource will also be mandated with the responsibility of making sure that all the social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Yelp are well managed by updating and uploading content on a daily basis. It also stated by the researcher that for the more dynamic platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, the updates will need to be done a number of times a day by a special employee. For YouTube platform, the video uploads may be done on a daily basis but ensuring regularity and consistency.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The various methods of dealing Essay Example for Free

The various methods of dealing Essay Legally, a working Monopoly is defined as a firm which controls 25% of their market. This immediately raises problems, within the measurement of market share, and the definition of their market. Microsoft is a considerably well known monopoly (as a whole), but is this the case for all areas of business? This would be the initial problem: determining their market. Microsoft spans a vast spectrum of business, however, virtually breaking into distinct main markets Desktop and Server. It is clear that Microsoft dominate the Desktop market, far outselling any near threats, but is this the case for the server market? I have broken down the server market into two main areas the Operating System itself, and the web based server. Operating System Percentage Share Linux 31.3% Microsoft Family 24.3% Server Software Percentage Share Apache Foundation 56% IIS (Microsoft) 24% According to the definition, Microsoft is not technically a monopoly in both markets. However, as Microsoft can be accepted to live within a single market (computing), they would have a clear monopoly. Consequentially, problems of dominance begin to occur. It has been discovered that they have been abusing their market power by forcing small firms into signing contracts that require them to purchase their software, should they be using their hardware. There are numerous ways to reduce or reclaim the power of monopolies, some controversial, and some are economic theory, therefore unrealistic. I will be discussing these within my essay. Monopolies tend to play as the dominant firm within their market, and as a result, tend to me price makers rather than takers. However, they can only control the price, or output, but not both. Generally, monopolies can be bad for the market mechanism as they are neither productively nor allocatively efficient. Like most firms, they would choose to profit maximise (at the point MC=MR). As you can see from the diagram on the left, if they choose to output the profit maximising level Q1, they will receive the price displayed by the demand curve P1. Fortunately, there are several remedies for monopoly. The first that I am going to discuss is: regulation. An excellent remedy for pure monopolies (where a single firm dominates 100% of a market) is regulation. Regulation involves the government appointing an independent body to monitor the activities of the firms. Ofcom (merged, previously Oftel) are a working example of this. They are the regulating body for the communications industry, covering telecommunications. Previously, before deregulation occurred, there were two main dominant firms: Telewest/NTL (Now Virgin Media), and British Telecommunications. If there was no regulatory body in place, it would have been too easy for this duopoly (where two main firms dominate the market) to price fix (tactically through the use of informal signals to indicate their future and current pricing structures) and therefore take advantage of the consumers, at they would have little choice other than to remove their fixed line telephones completely. One of the methods that can be used is RPI-X (RPI minus X) regulation. The value of X is defined by the regulatory body, and limits the pricing that firms may change based on the RPI (retail price index) less the value of X. As a result, if RPI-X0 then the firms will be forced to reduce their prices by the resultant value. The kind of price barrier will motivate firms to lower costs (as they cannot increase their prices) in order to generate greater profit for themselves. This kind of regulation has been using against British Gas, which expired on the 31st March 2000. Expanding on my telecommunications example: NTL has had agreements put in place by Oftel of RPI-1, so they were permitted to raise prices by no more than the value of RPI, less 1%, per year. However, this particular agreement expired on 31st December 1996. However, actual regulation has (in my opinion) proven to be inefficient and adequate, and possibly deemed to be failing the industry. A typical example of this lack of regulation is demonstrated by the unstoppable, but inevitable, profits of British Gas. They announced profits of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½992 million for the first 6 months of this year, less than 24 hours after raising household prices by 35. This raises the question of whether or not these price rises are justified. They, along with the rest of the market, justify their actions on the elevation of wholesale gas and electricity prices (costs which they cannot absorb), but is this form of a tacit agreement (where firms informally signal price decision to other firms, to suggest they copy)? While it is proven that the barrel of oil did rise to approximately $150 per barrel, the firms were quick to act, raising their prices in quick succession of each other. However, now that the prices have fallen by half, have the firms taken the same quick action in reducing prices? I think not. This is an example of asymmetric information between the firms and the regulator, where the regulator is only dropping suggestions to the firms; they are not forcing any actions upon them. Despite preaches by Fuel Poverty organisations and EnergyWatch (the regulator), prices are still not falling at the rate that they should be. However, one of the most significant problems lie within determining the correct value of X for RPI-X price capping, as the regulator has few resources (as this example has demonstrated), therefore they cannot correctly evaluate costs. Setting a value too low may lead to under investment within the industry, causing undesired adverse effects. Having said this, the regulatory body has the power to split up a monopoly into multiple, smaller, firms if it deems this as necessary. This can be good for the market, as this will open up it to more competition, and possibly lower barriers to entry for other firms. This is the case of British Gas, where the regulator (Ofgas) had split it up into two major firms: Centrica and Transco. The idea was to open the market up to greater competition, as then British Gas (a trading name of Centrica) who sells the gas to business and domestic users would be separated from Transco who manage the actual gas pipelines. This would lower the barriers to entry (sunk costs) for new firms, as they would not have to produce the gas, nor have it routed to their customers homes. They can simply purchase it at a wholesale rate, and sell that on with a margin for profit. Other countries have adopted a different method for regulating monopolies, called Rate of return regulation. This is where companies are taxed a percentage of their profits, however this has similar problems. As there is no price ceiling introduced by this method, the monopolistic firm(s) may choose to simply increase their prices in order to cover the additional tax. This actually solves no problems, and leaves the consumer worse off, as they would be faced with paying higher prices. As the market is dominated by the few single firms, it may leave the consumer no choice but to purchase their goods from those single or sole suppliers at the higher cost. The competition commission also has a strong say on mergers, whether or not they are permitted to go ahead, if there is a threat to the market of a monopoly. An example of this was the Halifax Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB merger which resulted in a monopoly for the merged company of the mortgage market over 30% market share. However, these rules were brushed aside due to the nature of the merger, and the apparent confidence that the bank would collapse, and the government being unable to use more public money, therefore being unable to resort to nationalisation without public backlash. The reverse of regulation, de-regulation, can also help to remedy the problems of monopoly. De-regulation is when remove or simplify restrictions on a market in order to increase competition, or the threat within. While the thread of competition may keep push prices down (limit pricing where firms sell at just above their average costs, therefore diminishing the threat of new firms entering the market, forcing any new entrants not to take the chance as the barriers to entry and exit may be too high), it may not been enough in the long term. An example of this is the postal industry. In 2006, the market was fully deregulated, meaning that any new entrant had the ability to complete a range of functions, ranging from collecting and deliver door-to-door mail, to bulk mailing. While this does open the market up to some serious competition, the barriers to entry are still too high. The initial cost of dropping door-to-door mail to 99% of the country is very labour intensive, and explains why the state owned Royal Mail have a monopoly on this. Additionally, there needs to be a way for new firms to pick-up the mail locally from their clients. All this has to be profitably fairly quickly, as if they firm does not have enough finance behind them, they will quickly go bankrupt. However, there have been several new entrants to the marketplace for courier services, and this has become more apparent over the past few years. Such an example is (who are a reseller of such companies such as DHL), but pickup large items from your home (as this cheaper service is domestic) and deliver it to another place of a domestic nature for a extraordinary low fee in comparison to the pricing that Royal Mail would change for the same service. Monopolies can also be dealt with by challenge of new firms. However, when a monopoly exists, this is sometimes less likely due to barriers to entry and exit. The new entrants have to assess these barriers, and judge whether or not it would be wise for them to compete; this then encompasses the theory of contestable markets. There are several factors involved, such as the reputation (pricing predictions) of the current (incumbent) firm. The existing monopoly may employ (legal) limit pricing to keep the threat of competition low, or apply predatory pricing. Illegal in the UK, predatory pricing involves setting the price below cost, with the intent to drive out their rivals, and then raise prices again. Another such formal form of collusion is cartels, however they are also forbidden by law. Fortunately, such anti-competitive practices are removable, however unfortunately, as I have discussed above: tacit collusion is the most likely and the hardest to prove and stop. Furthermore, there is resale price maintenance where the manufacturer will fix the price that the retailer must sell their goods at (they will generally apply this), and if they did not they would refuse to supply, which is again, illegal. Additionally, the incumbent firm can compete with non-pricing strategies, such as brand loyalty schemes or certain kinds of special offers so that their customers naturally do not buy from their competitors. There are also considerable sunk costs that are involved, and the more irrevocable they are, the less tempting for the new entrant. Depreciation is common, and when technology is fast-moving, a production system thats 6 months old can lose considerable value, quickly. An almost totally irrevocable cost is advertising such as branding and gaining that brand awareness and loyalty. While its average cost can be kept low by spreading the budget over large volumes of output, however the only realistic way this cost can be recovered, is if the firm was to sell their entire brand to the monopolist. Unfortunately, the incumbent firm can easy rival any advertising that the new entrant makes, making their efforts redundant. There may also be legal barriers, but these are more uncommon than not. Such barriers will include Patents, where the incumbent firm is rewarded for the research and inventions that they have created, so have a legal barrier to prevent any other firms from coping their idea, design or otherwise. Such patents stand for around 2 decades, so this can be a considerable amount of time for the incumbent firm to gain a monopoly on their product (regardless of the fact they will be the sole supplier). Natural monopolies act at as a barrier to entry for new firms, and within industries such as Water (Thames Water have a monopoly on this), it would be too costly and inefficient to lay down two pipes to consumers homes. However, should the market be deregulated for example, if Thames Water sell the water a wholesale price (such as British Gas does with Gas) then additional firms can afford to enter the market with lower barriers to entry. Finally, there is information asymmetry, where the existing firm has the experience and the knowledge about the industry that allows them to be more productive and drive down their costs. If the information is not known to the new entrants, this can be a sunk cost for them, acting as yet another deterrent for entering the market. However, having discussed the problems that monopolies may bring, the reverse can be true. Monopolies can be beneficial to a market because they achieve greater economies of scale, and tend to have a lower market price than smaller firms as they are more able to pass on cost reduction. A typical example of this would be the comparison of a monopolistic firm such as Tesco against Jays News. A typical product, one pint of milk will cost around 49 pence in a small firms shop, or 26 pence in Tesco. At a 53% saving, it seems clear that monopolies can benefit the greater economy. Sources: NTL Price Capping:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Strategies Designed to Motivate Employees Essay -- Business Management

Strategies Designed to Motivate Employees One of a manager's responsibilities is to inspire employees and encourage them to strive for excellence and remain motivated even during the difficult times. While this task is challenging, there are measures a manager can take to generate enthusiasm in any working environment. Although different people are moved by different desires, values and goals, there are a number of generally agreed-upon motivators to which most people respond. The employees at Gullivers are de-motivated because of the poor environmental conditions. The employees work alone for long periods of time. This leads the worker to feel isolated. As well as this the tasks that some employees carry out are repetitive and boring. This is brought on by the use of a production line. The employees also work in two day time shifts. The hours of these shifts might not be suitable for some people, such as mothers. The times that shifts start and finish might clash with school hour, leading to people coming in late or leaving early. F. W. Taylor developed the early idea that to motivate the worker you have to pay him/her at the highest possible wage, through working in the most efficient and productive manner. This approach was called the rational-economic concept of motivation. Taylor believed if an organisation first evaluated the job to be done. Then came up with the best way to do each stage of that job. The lastly put the people in the right place to then carry out that job effectively. So the job would be completed in an efficient, producing more profit, which would lead to higher wages. Taylor believed that this alone wo... ...d the team leader allow discussion of any disharmony. Maintaining a highly motivated staff is key to a company's success. A lack of employee enthusiasm can alter your company's productivity, and ultimately, your bottom line. There are several factors which effect motivation. A combination of techniques that matches the unique needs and personalities of your employees will bring the most effective results. However any measures taken is only effective as far as the employee is willing to be motivated. Bibliography Laurie J Mullins 2002, Management and Organisational Behaviours, Financial Times Pitman Publishing imprint, Great Britain Susan Jarosz 2003, Class Notes, Borders College, Galashiels W.H. Weiss 2001, Building Morale, Motivating and Empowering Employees" Supervision. Vol. 62, Issue 1 pages 1-2

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Military Rule

Many third world countries have been under military rule from time to time, for many years. The reasons behind this are many, and are complicated and interconnected. A military dictatorship gets established when political power rests with the military. Developing countries are so called because they are still in the process of development. These areas of development include economy, financial planning and budgeting, setting up of a working administrative machinery, a working constitution, a functional system of government, a system of institutions of education, a system of health, so on and so forth. Altogether, developing countries lack a lot of basic tools needed for proper functioning of a country. Civilians in general are disillusioned with life. There is widespread poverty and illiteracy. Flaws in the working of the system ultimately result in major problems for the common man. Neither is the health system strong, nor the education. The government usually does not provide for even the basic needs. People generally have large families, with no regular source of income. Since literacy is low, most people have confounded and obscure views, and do not understand the working of the system. People get frustrated, and blame the government for not providing for them. As public support begins to crumble, the administration gets weakened. In developing countries, politics is frequently a monopoly, handled by the rich few. Laws and rules can be bended and twisted as desired. And so this ‘feudal’ system of government results in economic and social collapse. Crime rates go on increasing, along with a host of other illegal activities. In the absence proper jobs, ordinary people turn to illicit ways of obtaining money. These are just some of the main problems. In case of a threat from another country, or a natural disaster, or food shortage, matters get worse. Often governments succumb to ill advised measures. And so goes on the cycle. Military rule comes in the absence of a strong government. There are many inter-related factors behind the prevalence of military rule, especially in third world countries. A weak civilian government can be disbanded easily, without much force. Historic examples of military rule include the Greek ‘Sparta [7]’ The ideology behind military rule is one based on discipline – the one thing a developing country lacks. Militarism is generally the belief of the far-right [7]. Under military rule, everything is under strict control of the army, and civilians are subservient to it, whether they like it or not. Civilian rule on the contrary advocates complete freedom, along with organized plans for social and economic development and establishment of diplomatic relations with other countries [7]. Militarism can also mean Martial Law [7]. When a normal judicial system is replaced by military rule, it is called martial law [7]. It is used mostly by authoritarian governments [7]. Earlier, it was imposed in times of war, or territorial occupation, to deal with trials of prisoners and soldiers [7]. It was also used by those countries with expansionist and imperialist policies [7]. Today, in developing countries, it is the easiest tool to bring a distraught and a disorganized society under control. Martial law trials are short, and usually severe when compared to normal court trials [7]. Many counties have now shifted to another system, in which a country is said to be in a ‘state of emergency,’ in place of martial law [7]. Martial law also gives the government the liberty of detaining anyone it thinks is a threat to national interest or security, even without adequate proof.   Media and press freedom is also under strict control. The few leading the hegemony can make decisions without hindrance, keeping the public and its opinions at bay. Under military rule, a country’s population has no say in any matter whatsoever. Without a parliament, all decisions are directly made by the autocrat and his collaborators, without the approval or disapproval of ministers. Think a little deeper, and it seems as if a country comes to an economic and social standstill if under military rule. This is exactly what most developing countries go through. One coup after another and the country lags behind even in the basic amenities of life. Egypt, for example, has been under martial law on and off from 1952 [7]. Gamal Abdel Nasser was the president of Egypt from 1956 until his death, in 1970 [7]. Algeria spent three decades under military rule (1965-1994) [7]. Mohammad Al-Gaddafi has been the de facto head of Libya since 1969. Nigeria has also been caught up in a tangle of coups. Adebowale, in his work criticizes the way military coups took to power, squandering money on lavish cars and houses, and turning into multi-billionaires overnight [10]. He also goes on to say that â€Å"Nigerians are mute because they are terror-stricken and know no other state [10].† He also states that â€Å"Several human rights activists continue to be unjustly detained [10].† Countries like Somalia, Sudan, Liberia, Philippines, Thailand, Ghana, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Gambia have also been under military control often. Maureen Aung-Thwin criticized the undemocratic manner in which politics was run in Burma [9]. Uganda spent a decade under the rule of one man – Idi Amin [1]. As opposed to this, almost no first world country has been under military rule since almost 20 years. Military governments also justify themselves by claiming that it is important for political stability [7]. Military regimes tend to portray themselves as neutral and unbiased [7]. Though not always, military rule tends to have little respect for human rights, and often use force to silence their political opponents [7]. Another key factor is the convenience of having a military leadership, as opposed to the effort required for an elected one. Public choice can be conveniently ignored and new laws can be easily imposed. The general public is weak, with little or no voice of its own. With widespread illiteracy, public opinion can be suppressed, bribed, or even forced. The general public in developed countries, on the contrary is much stronger and aware of their due rights. Hunger for power and money make the entire system corrupt and fraudulent, with innumerable loopholes. With an influential background, anyone can come to power. High posts like those of governors and chief ministers are based on favoritism rather than open merit. Countries currently under military rule include Thailand, Myanmar, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan and Fiji [7]. If loosely stated, the three key factors behind prevalence of military rule in developing countries are the hunger for power and money, a large but weak civilian population, and convenience for the army. With just one man to make decisions, it gets very convenient for military personnel to run the country. In the end, it is the normal civilian population which suffers. In hopes of better prospects, people look forward to young and dynamic leaders, but in reality, the nation continues to live under a rigid and a totalitarian leadership. It is a widely believed notion that civilian rule is always better, long lasting, and makes a country prosperous. With free and fair democratic elections, the people themselves choose their leader, and so, everything falls in place, and the country can look forward to a brighter future.    Works Cited: Prince Adebowale, Samuel Abiodun, Nigeria: The Nation under Siege by Power Drunk and Ruthless Military Dictatorship,   1997 Aung-Thwin, Maureen, Burma: Political Economy Under Military Rule, (edited by Robert H. Taylor), 2001, New York: Palgrave (Global Publishing at St. Martin's Press), ISBN 0-312-23568-2. Birkhimer, William E, Military Government and Martial Law (third edition, revised), 1914, Kansas City: Missouri, Franklin Hudson Publishing Co. Chris, Alli M. The Federal Republic of Nigerian Army: The Siege of a Nation, 2002, Nigeria Malthouse, 9780231277 Fidel, Kenneth, 1975, Militarism in developing countries, Transaction Publishers ISBN 0878555854 Fink, Christina, Living Silence: Burma under military rule (politics in contemporary Asia), 2001, Zed Books Ltd. â€Å"Libya – History,† (2006, July 14), US Department of State's Background Notes, (Nov. 2005). Militarism, wikipedia, retrieved from: Olukotun, Ayo, Repressive Stat e and Resurgent Media under Nigeria’s Military Dictatorship, 1988-98, Nordic Africa Institute, (2004)      

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws Should Be Legal Essay

Mandatory minimum sentencing laws entail binding prison terms to a certain length for people who have been convicted of state or federal crimes. These intransigent, â€Å"universally adaptable† sentencing laws may seem like an easy and quick solution for crime. However, these laws prevent judges from suiting the punishment to the criminal according to their offenses. Mandatory minimum sentencing causes not only state but federal prisons to overcrowd, extortionate tax costs, and deflect from law enforcement funds. Often times when a judge issues a sentence they have relatively no say on whether or not the defendant receives the sentence they deserve. Working as a federal judge no longer seems to be about presiding rather than strictly abiding to mandatory minimum sentencing laws. These laws almost entirely take judges out of the mix which can be very detrimental to the system. The purpose of a judge is to fairly convict criminals to a sentence they believe necessary. Now, judge s are just mediators between these laws and the defendant. These laws also do not guarantee that the sentence is just to the crime. Crimes such as kidnapping with a firearm is only punishable from one year to twenty-five meaning that the kidnapper would be out and capable of committing the crime once again after release. Home invasion has a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty five years in prison, once again giving opportunity for the crime to be repeated. Not only this but heinous acts such asShow MoreRelatedMandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws Should Be Legal1150 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of mandatory minimum sentencing laws to keep drug offenders locked up for longer than they should be. Mandatory minimum sentencing laws are laws that require binding prison terms of a particular length for people convicted of certain federal and state crimes. Most mandatory minimum sentences apply to drug offenses, but Congress has enacted them for other crimes, including certain gun, pornography, and economic offenses. For the purpose of this paper, the focus will be on the mandatory minimumRead MoreThe Concept Of Mandatory Sentencing1096 Words   |  5 PagesThe concept of mandatory sentencing is a relatively new idea in the legal field. It was first introduced in 1951 with the Boggs Act, and it made simple marijuana possession a minimum of two to ten years with a $20,000 fine. This was eventually repealed by Congress in 1970, but mandatory sentences came back with the passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. Since then, the scope and presence of mandatory sentencing has only grown, especially mandatory sentences for drug related offenses. RecentlyRead MoreAbolishing Mandatory Minimum Sentencing On The United States1690 Words   |  7 PagesAbolishing Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in the United States EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The concept of mandatory minimum sentencing has been plaguing the justice system of the United States of America for too many years and therefore must be abolished. If mandatory minimum sentencing were to be done away with, then the criminal justice system could finally start to bring desperately needed change to itself and start to get back to where it needs to be; a system that takes people with a problem andRead MoreThe Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing978 Words   |  4 Pagesmethod of sentencing criminals was the establishment of the mandatory minimum sentencing. During the early days of the republic, specific sentences were carried out for certain crime and early mandatory sentences the forms of punishment used at the time stretched from ducking stools/cucking stools for disorderly women and dishonest tradesmen in England, Soctland to hanging for convicted murderers. However, in recent years, evidence gathered have shown that the federal mandatory minimum sentenci ng wereRead MorePrison Blues : How America s Foolish Sentencing Policies Endanger Public Safety1033 Words   |  5 PagesRehnquist, a former Supreme Court Justice, stated his opinion of minimum sentencing during an often cited speech. As stated in his book Prison blues: How America s Foolish Sentencing Policies Endanger Public Safety, David Kopek credits Rehnquist with stating: These mandatory minimum sentences are perhaps a good example of the law of unintended consequences. There is a respectable body of opinion which believes that these mandatory minimums impose unduly harsh punishment for first-time offenders -- particularlyRead MoreCriminal Justice Outline1660 Words   |  7 PagesArraignment- Guidelines and Process of Law b. Trial- Judge and Supreme court roles c. Sentencing – 3 types Sentencing a. Determinate- pros and cons b. Indeterminate- pros and cons c. Mandatory- pros and cons d. Specific or general deterrence Determinate sentencing a. Time- Each punishment is set person to person regardless b. Punishment- does not discriminate c. Community- deter people from committing it again Indeterminate Sentencing a. Courts and judges role in helpingRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentences For Nonviolent Drug Crimes Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesMandatory Minimum Sentences For the vast majority of crimes committed in the United States, the fate of those who have been found guilty is left in the hands of a judge, after a trial by jury. However, since the 1950’s the fate of nonviolent drug offenders has been shifted to the hands of the partisan prosecution with the expansion of mandatory sentencing. Mandatory minimum sentencing is a system which sets minimum jail sentences for crimes, which not even judges can overturn. In the decades afterRead MoreFences Of Mandatory Sentencing1923 Words   |  8 Pages3.1 Offences where Mandatory Sentencing is Applied Mandatory sentencing currently applies for many offences. Stated in the CCA, section 279(4), adults who are guilty of murder must be sentenced to life imprisonment. Under section 90(1a) of the SA it also states life imprisonment must be imposed with a minimum of 15 years without parole. Section 318(2) of the CCA states if a person is over 16 but under 18 and committs a serious assult against any officer (police, transit, security etc) a term of detentionRead MoreIt s Time For Re Think Mandatory Minimums1607 Words   |  7 PagesIt’s Time to Re-think Mandatory Minimums During the mid-1980’s an epidemic of cocaine and crack swept the nation leaving many wondering what could be done to eliminate this problem that reached everywhere from small town middle America to the larger metropolitan areas. It has always been the common acceptance that by putting more offenders in jail, crime statistics will decrease. This belief led congress to enact the anti-drug abuse act of 1986. At first, it was believed that this seemed to workRead MoreMandatory Sentencing For Minor Drug Offences957 Words   |  4 Pagesdollars later, we are still fighting this war (Branson). All that we have to show for this war is drugs running rampant and tons of citizens incarcerated. Mandatory sentencing for minor drug offences should be overturned due to overflowing prisons, damaging families, and the scare tactic it was created to be has failed. Due to mandatory sentencing for minor drug offences, the American prison system is overflowing with inmates. According to E. Ann Carson, a Statistician for the Bureau of Justice Statistics